State Electric Company Limited (STELCO) honors its promise of completing the installation of electricity in K. Kudagiri, the designated picnic destination for Male’ atoll.
Earlier, it was announced that the picnic island will have a grand unveiling on 26th July. Prior to its opening, STELCO was contracted with the installation of electricity and street lights to illuminate the island.
As per the contractual terms, STELCO has completely installed the electrical network across the island. In addition to street lights, the utility provider had installed ornamental garden lights.
The project included installation of electrical cables spanning 3,000 meters across the island and subsequent installation of power distribution boxes.
Furthermore, STELCO is currently developing a cafeteria which was contracted to the utility provider on 28th June 2022 with the condition of completing the establishment before the grand opening date.
Meanwhile, the Managing Director of STELCO Mr. Ahmed Shareef, as well as the Vice President of Maldives Mr. Faisal Naseem are closely inspecting the progress of the picnic destination to ensure its grand unveiling on scheduled date.