Author: Mohamed Reehaan

Thursday, 22nd July – Fuel Supplies Maldives Pvt Ltd (FSM) have confirmed on their plans to launch a self-service petrol station in Greater Male’ region. Managing Director of FSM, Mohamed Gasam notified through an interview on RaajjeTV, Wednesday evening, that the company was currently working towards upgrading their petrol stations. Moreover, Gasam had further attested on the company’s initiative of integrating latest technologies into the refueling stations to adjust them into the contemporary standards, adding that FSM’s management was currently attempting on finalizing the designs for the refueling station upgrades. FSM front-man had further indicated that the petrol stations following…

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Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has reported a profit-after-tax of MVR63 million observed in the second quarter of 2021. According to MTCC, the corporation had made revenues amounting to MVR423 million during the review quarter, which is a 70.6% increment from the revenue generated in the corresponding quarter of 2020. The company’s financial report for the review quarter had further disclosed the earnings stood at just MVR248 million during the second quarter of last year, with a profit-after-tax of just MVR15 million. The four-fold increment is evident from the improvement in the key industries where MTCC focuses its major…

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Wednesday, 21st July- State Electric Company Limited (STELCO) has resumed electricity across Male’ City following power outage earlier. According to the utility corporation the Maldives capital experienced sudden power failure because of a technical mishap during circuit-energizing done on the Greater Male’ electrical grid. Meanwhile, STELCO reports that the Greater Male’ Electricity Grid project is by far the largest such energy project executed in Maldives. The utility provider had further notified on possible power cuts in the future during the testing phase before the unified electrical grid in Greater Male’ Region becomes fully functional. Moreover, the electricity grid is expected…

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Wednesday, 21st July – Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) announces their latest destination promotion project reaching out to the far-east. According to the premier tourism promotion body, Maldives will receive tourism exposure at South Korea under the new campaign. While the campaign has commenced at South Korea already, it has been reported that the promotion is carried out in collaboration with one of the most popular tourism agencies in the country; Palm Tours. Moreover, MMPRC confirms their destination promotion will focus on selling the peace and tranquil hotel offerings in Maldives which are considered as top picks for…

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Sunday, 18th July – Fly Dubai has confirmed on increasing their weekly flight operations to Maldives. The airline which had been operating a total of 12 weekly flights to the island nation is expected to increment this figure to 21 weekly flights following the spike in international travelers. Moreover, the airline reports rising demand from Eastern-Europe and Middle-Eastern tourist markets to visit Maldives while Fly Dubai remains a top option as means of travel in said region. Earlier in 2020, the airline had announced on temporary stopping their Maldivian operations following the international border closure imposed by the island nation’s…

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Sunday, 18th July – Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has officially inaugurated the road development project at Haa Dhaal Hanimaadhoo. During a special ceremony held on Sunday morning at the project venue, Maldives head of state was accompanied by MTCC CEO Adam Azim along with top-level state officials as well. The work scope of the road development project include laying asphalts in the island’s 20 major roads which have a combined area of 44,000 square meters. In addition to this, the contract will install road markings on the roads following asphalt laying. Moreover, MTCC will be developing a storm-water management…

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The world was not ready when the Covid-19 viral pandemic hit across several countries in 2020. It was  evident in the way governments, public and corporations behaved. The previous year is also known for establishing some tech-savvy changes in the corporate culture across the world as well. Namely, “analog” methods of company management were forced to transition towards more “digital” alternatives. One major change to the dynamic of the corporate environment would be the integration of virtual conferencing or cross-conferencing platforms that allowed employees to stay at home and attend to their tasks. Countries all over the globe had enforced…

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Saturday, 17th July – following the limitations on credit-card transactions on foreign purchases effective on 16th September 2020, Bank of Maldives has announced new changes to the limit. As confirmed by the bank on Saturday, the new limit observes an increment to USD500 per card “for all Bank of Maldives credit cards for use on foreign transactions.” Moreover, the limit remains applicable for every 30-day period meaning that transactional limit gets renewed following the said period. Meanwhile, BML had further reported that the existing limit of USD250 will continue for all debit cards used locally that are linked to Maldivian…

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Saturday, 17th July – Chief Executive Officer of Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC), Mr. Adam Azim paid a visit to the site of Haa Alif Hoarafushi ferry terminal project site for inspection. The MTCC front-man had paid the visit to the project site to assess and inspect the progress of the ferry terminal project. Meanwhile, MTCC on the same day had confirmed the project has already observed an overall 63% progress. During his visit to Hoarafushi, Mr. Azim had also visited the site of the coastal protection project which is also carried out under MTCC’s wing. The Hoarafushi coastal…

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Thursday, 15th July – Bank of Maldives CEO and Managing Director Mr. Tim Sawyer voiced his confidence in the bank and its team in working towards sustainable growth despite the Covid-19 led impact. Speaking during the online Annual General Meeting of BML on Thursday, Mr. Sawyer voiced on the bank’s role in supporting Maldives during the pandemic. Furthermore, Mr. Sawyer had made emphasis of the bank’s commitment in serving alongside “Maldivians through these extraordinary and challenging times.” “We understood the potential economic impact of Covid early on and laid out a strategy to support the country and keep the economy…

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